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Lose Weight!

Hi, I'm Elizabeth.
I was once 37 lbs overweight...tired...and uncomfortable in my own skin..
I understand the vicious cycle of weight loss that makes you just want to lose hope and chop your stomach off! Ok...that might sound a little disturbing, but you know what I mean. The obstacles and barriers are there and they are REAL. With my own weight loss experience and success of helping others do the same, it is my mission to save You time and errors so you too can be a Fat-Burnin' Machine EVEN IF-
You are not genetically lean and toned
You've failed in the past before
You are busy taking care of the kids and business
You love to eat out
You don't have a gym membership
You are a newbie to exercise
BELIEVE. That you can finally achieve the LONG-TERM Results that you deserve with a lifestyle system that keeps you burning fat and weight off your body FOREVER.
Look what these busy parents and goal-focused professionals have attained with South FL's most comprehensive and effective personal training!
- not just for the summer
- not just for an event
- not just for a vacation
Cause You TOO can lose 30 lbs, gain more energy and walk with a spring in your step!

I know you're thinking...
"How can I actually achieve the weight loss results I've always wanted...I've tried the magic shake, diet pill and 10 minutes of exercise on wiz-bang machines, basically EVERYTHING under the sun but never have gotten any lasting results.."
Allow me to introduce to you...

"Four Secrets To Finally Achieving The Weight Loss, Health And Fitness Results You Deserve....
My friend,
If you're at all like most of the people I talk to, then you've probably tried lots of ways to lose weight and get in shape in the past.
And while some of those programs may have helped you achieve some short term results, ultimately most have failed in the long run.
That's because nobody's ever really given you everything you need to get in and STAY IN great shape- ONCE-And-For-ALL. Please let me share with you....
4 Secrets to Finally Achieving The Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Results You Want!
1. The Secret To Making A Simple "Commitment" To Your Exercise Program.
The big companies want you to believe that a pill, fad diet or a special machine will solve all your weight loss and fitness problems. This is counter-intuitive and insults your common sense. But people still want to believe – because there’s so much PAIN. The real "secret" is quite simple and I’ll distill it for you right here: eat 2 to 4 healthy meals per day(depending on your schedule) and perform a combination of aerobic and weight training exercise for 45 mins 2 times a week. Take out your calendar right now and mark off two days each week for the next 12 weeks when you will commit to exercising. Then DO it. Your consistent commitment will bring you the results you want.
2. The Secret Of Having A Coach.
Almost every self-help book ever written talks about the critical importance of having a coach/mentor. A coach is an experienced and trusted counselor or teacher. It’s inevitable that you will come up against hard times on your path to losing fat and getting fit.

A coach will guide, motivate, educate and support you – so you can easily and rapidly overcome these hurdles.
A coach is critical to systematizing your exercise program for maximum results and assisting you in heightening your motivation and strengthening your commitment. And a coach becomes your "objective feedback system," helping you see, understand and correct the problems that are interfering with your progress. Exercise and nutrition are bona fide sciences and learning everything you need to know on your own can take years of struggle – but not if you have a knowledgeable coach who has been where you are.
3. The Secret Of Progression.
Have you ever met someone who says they exercise week after week, month after month, even year after year and aren't getting any new results? Believe it or not, doing the SAME workout OVER and OVER again without expert guidance to direct your progress will actually decrease your fitness. You must learn how to progressively improve and fine-tune your efforts for weight loss, muscle toning and overall fitness results.
4. The BIGGEST Secret: Accountability.
In a recent study at Virginia Polytechnic researchers divided people starting a walking program into two groups. Every week, each individual in one group got a phone call asking how their exercise program was coming along, the other group got no calls. At the end of 24 weeks, 45% of the individuals who got the phone calls were still walking compared to just 2% who did not receive calls! The results show that weekly accountability increases the likelihood of sticking to your exercise program by 2200%!
I Know I Can Help You And I'd Like The Chance To Prove It To You!
I know you have lots of choices when it comes to choosing a health and fitness solution, but I'd really like the chance to prove to you the difference MindBodyDrive Transformation System really can make in your life.

"After 20 years of working out with a variety of trainers and workout styles, I am very excited to find Elizabeth. I am already seeing results in this short amount of time that I didn't always see after years of workouts with other trainers."

"If you're in shape, she helps get you in better shape. If you need to get into shape, she will help you get there. If you are injured, she changes things up to keep you moving without making your injury worse."

Unlike most trainers who have always been fit their ENTIRE lives, I went from being "Fat" to lean, strong and healthy, and for many years, I've struggled to accumulate what I'm about to show you:
Never-before-seen diversified exercises(my clients tell me they don't see ANY of these on Youtube!) So you won't ever plateau and get bored of working out again!
Intelligent, purposeful execution of movement based on YOUR own joint and muscular structure. This way you prevent injuries and optimize your results.
Punctual mobile training brought to your preferred location. The CONVENIENCE and reliability of MindBodyDrive in-home training keeps you Committed!
Nutritional Guidance that doesn't rely on deprivation. Learn strategies of developing eating habits that keep you satiated and give you LASTING Energy!
Complete programming that improves your fitness in ALL areas: Flexibility, Mobility and Balance. So you build strong muscles while still maintaining grace and a beautiful posture.
Emphathic support from a patient, understanding coach who guides you with a purpose and stays present and observant in every session.

Call me now at 954-707-8811 or contact me through the submission form for your FREE CONSULTATION,
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